What better location to inspire the Vignerons de Guîtres, than in the heart of the Bordeaux vineyards. But the style and flavors of VDG do not know any borders: it adapts to the demands and evokes emotions across the globe. This is the challenge that the House chose to overcome.


Strategically located in the heart of Bordeaux vineyards, in the municipality of ARTIGUES DE LUSSAC, belonging to the urban community of the GRAND SAINT-EMILIONNAIS, VIGNERON DE GUÎTRES has no boundaries.

Being an active actor of the world market, this is the philosophy of Marwan Harb.

The challenge of always expanding into new markets is the drive of the company. Having a global and holistic vision, the willingness to offer wines that comply with local specifications, while remaining attentive to the expectations and requirements of distributors. Satisfying special requests with tailor-made products, are the key strengths of our company and its team.
As time goes by, Vigneron de Guîtres’ wines are on the tables of all continents in the world…
…but there are still so many places that deserve to discover our creations…